Deference's Articles In Politics » Page 2
August 30, 2006 by Deference
I've decided that JU's extremely opinionated denizens might like to voice their opinions on what they like and dislike about America. That means any aspect of America. This can be it's present form, the tax burden we share, the culture in which we live, the political parties that supposedly represent our interests, the weather in parts of the country, or even the music we have to suffer on the top forty charts today. Any aspect of American life, ideology, or it's components are...
July 20, 2006 by Deference
I've seen so little word from chickenhawks lately regarding N.Korea. Maybe post-911 fever has finally worn away and maybe the stomach to make someone, anyone pay for innocent deaths had dissipated. Maybe even the Bush administration would take a less costly and more pragmatic approach to foreign policy noting the peons are sick of supporting a war they have seen little return on? I consulted Devon Largio's undergraduate thesis paper Uncovering the Rationales for the War on Iraq: The...
June 26, 2006 by Deference
FOX NEWS ALERT NORTH KOREA MAY FIRE TEST MISSILE WITHIN ONE MONTH CAPABLE OF REACHING THE U.S. Fuck Fox. Where were they in 2003? In fact, where the fock was any of the news media in the United States? North Korea has already fired a missile that landed in the United States. Let me share with you the number of corporations that control the the media (newspapers, magazines, TV, Radio Stations, books, music, movies, videos, wire services, and photo agencies) within the United States...
June 26, 2006 by Deference
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
April 4, 2006 by Deference
A student friend of mine at the MSU Standard had her thoughts to share regarding the conflict in Iraq. I'd say she's a fresh voice, feel free to share yours. The Crux of the Issue with M. Chiles President Bush seeks to regain public support for the war in Iraq, which began just over 3 years ago. He sure would like the media to help him out. There is little “good news” from Iraq to be had on television screens or in newspapers. Bush wants a broader picture shown. If A...
January 20, 2006 by Deference
January 3, 2006 by Deference
Despite initial bluster here at JU and the assertation that only 'liberals' would dare rise up against domestic surveillance, a number of top Republicans known for some of their more conservative politics have come out to ask questions and demand hard answers regarding the Bush Administration's secret government agenda to undermine civil liberties. Among the more conscientious Republicans: "There is no doubt that this is inappropriate," said Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), BLITZER: So y...
December 30, 2005 by Deference
Some of my favorites, I hope you enjoy: How succinct!
December 29, 2005 by Deference
I recently posted an article Link detailing a Senator's brave fight to remove cameras from intersections. Though there were many good reasons for the legislation the Senator proposes, the primary in my mind was simply the fact that cameras monitoring public places are an inappropriate use of the technology. No one posting has thus far touched on the aspect, seemed surprised of the camera presence, or even really expressed any outrage about it's abuse. It is because of this I more de...
December 29, 2005 by Deference
Sen. Jason Crowell (R) of Cape Girardeau (jer-ar-do) is aiming at passing a bill that will bring down cameras mounted at intersections monitoring motorists. Sen. Crowell's bill will deny local governments the authority to install cameras as well as ban the installation of new ones. Crowell lists a variety of reasons as to why the bill is important: 1.) Overt government intrusion 2.) A funding arrangement that allows the companies servicing the cameras a share of the fines 3...
July 13, 2005 by Deference
A friend of mine sent in one of his usual letters to the editor. This one resonated with me to such an extreme I felt the need to re-paste it, here, right where it's needed most. Editor, With the retirement of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the ongoing conflict between the Red state Republicans and the Blue state Democrats promises to heat up. We can expect to hear about family values as the Reds pander to their beloved constituents, the fundamentalist Christians. They will represent t...
April 27, 2005 by Deference
With all the campaign rhetoric flying about last year, it was easy for true believers to give Bush&Co. the benefit of the doubt on WMD's in Iraq. Now that lie has finally been put to rest Link for the last time ( all those fake intelligence reports like the "yellow cake being bought from Niger" should have been a clue to the public ), a new Gallup poll has found "Half of all Americans, exactly 50%, now say the Bush administration deliberately misled Americans about whether Iraq had we...
March 22, 2005 by Deference
I cannot believe this debate is still going on - so I'll finally add my two cents. Before I begin I would like to state that I am pro-life and firmly against the idea of euthanasia. Now let's look at the facts: Terry Schiavo is under the guardianship of Mr. Schiavo. Regardless of what one thinks of Mr. Schiavo, he had the most intimate relationship with Terry. If any one person knew or could deduce what Terry would have wanted, this is the person. Terry's parents say Terry would have ...
March 22, 2005 by Deference
The BBC finally confirms the dissenting opinion about Iraqi Oil and the "neo-con" agenda. The link below will take you to the article and a link on that page will stream the actual Newsnight video. Very comprehensive and very interesting - you won't see this in the states on our mainstream media networks. Not even a peep. Leave it up to the folks on the other side of the pond to do our media's job for them. All those who thought the administration was there for altruistic purposes (se...
March 16, 2005 by Deference
1...IF YOUR GOVERNMENT PASSES LAWS THAT TAKES AWAY YOUR RIGHTS... Laws have been passed that allow full domestic surveillance and imprisonment of Americans without any evidence, secret arrests and imprisonment is within the broad powers our lawmakers willingly signed away (Patriotic Act / Intel Reform Act of '04) 2...IF YOUR GOVERNMENT IMPLEMENTS A NATIONAL ID CARD LINKING YOU TO A FEDERAL DATABASE OF INFORMATION... National ID's linked to all personal information (student, medical, f...