Published on November 3, 2004 By Deference In Politics
If there is one thing proven in this election, it's that American voters want the country to remain as socially conservative as possible. The silver lining in this is that Roe V. Wade might get put on the endangered species list after some new Supreme Court Justices and conservative voices were heard concerning the traditional family unit. It's finally been proven that the culturally conservative vote can turn out and will.

One thing that was very interesting about the Bush vote this year was that most voters seemed to latch on to a specific conception of what Bush stood for and / or how they identified with him and refused to consider any possible failings of his administration. Much of the time it was the pro-life stance or the belief that Bush felt as the voter did regarding God. At other times, the Iraq war seemed like it should have hurt Bush, but by wrapping it in the careful package of the greater "War on Terror", Bush was given a free pass.

What could Bush do to gain the support of people like me, socially conservative but concerned about his policies? He could stop invading other countries and bleeding the treasury dry, he could insure that Americans are protected from overly broad Patriot Act powers, and he could address the problems of the healthcare and insurance industries while looking in to alternative fuels. This could be done through him utilizing his bully pulpit like he attempted to do with the Mars exploration project and through point men in congress that would introduce certain legislation. Come on, Mr. President, you've got a free four years with a house and a senate, now let's see what you do for the American people.

A link on the same sex marriage ban:

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