Published on November 8, 2004 By Deference In Politics
Yes, it's true!

If all votes are counted in Ohio, Kerry will win the presidency!

Try this link:

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 08, 2004

on Nov 08, 2004
are you for real? where did you hear this? I know i'm an ohioan and i voted for him
on Nov 08, 2004
I got the tipoff on this from Wisefawn's locked thread. I'm just now scouring for more articles on this subject, I don't know what the news networks are saying, but if anyone has more information on this, either way, I'd like to know for sure.
on Nov 08, 2004

Holy SHIT!!!

By: Deference
Posted: Monday, November 08, 2004
Message Board: Politics
Yes, it's true!

If all votes are counted in Ohio, Kerry will win the presidency!

Try this link:

This is NOT proof of ANYTHING! You want to buy into this BS go ahead. No major news media is seeing this to be true.
on Nov 08, 2004
Drmiler, come on, buddy, I'm not looking for opinion, here. I'm looking for anyone with any details concerning this, I don't care which way it goes, I just want to know. I've talked to some who have said this rumor started earlier this morning after some development in Ohio but I can't find out anything more about it. I'd like to know what got Wisefawn all revved up...
on Nov 08, 2004

Reply #5 By: Deference - 11/8/2004 9:49:25 PM
Drmiler, come on, buddy, I'm not looking for opinion, here. I'm looking for anyone with any details concerning this, I don't care which way it goes, I just want to know. I've talked to some who have said this rumor started earlier this morning after some development in Ohio but I can't find out anything more about it. I'd like to know what got Wisefawn all revved up...

You won't find anything because there's nothing to find. Wisefawn is up to old tricks again. If it sounds like Bush will be tossed out, wisefawn is on it. I have looked and can find nothing substantial to it.
on Nov 08, 2004
Did you notice the ads to the right and left of the article? It is for Air America, the "European Left" and other Liberal/Democratic outlets. That doesn't really discredit this, but it shows that the author wants with all his heart Kerry to win. Also, I have never heard of this website, nor are any major, credible news sources saying this, so I highly doubt it's true. I think we all know that if any evidence of a possible Kerry victory were to come up, all the news channels would be on it immediately.
on Nov 08, 2004
Question (from an Australian) -If Kerry conceded can he still be Presidant I mean wasn't that what that thing about courts and not challenging votes was about?
on Nov 08, 2004
I guess he can be, seeing that Bush hasn't been inaugurated yet, and he won't be until January. I think the concession thing is more ceremonial and to show that the candidate feels he has lost, but I may be wrong.
on Nov 08, 2004
Sorry about that - my computer was trying to "find" every single letter/word I typed - I rebooted - it works now

Arh okay thanks for clearing that up
on Nov 08, 2004

Deference did you read this article? Even though it is from a rabid partisan site they were not saying what you posted. Some quotage from the article itself:

As a result Kerry could theoretically win Ohio

Just one of the stages of grief here my friend. Denial.

on Nov 08, 2004
Did you notice the ads to the right and left of the article? It is for Air America, the "European Left" and other Liberal/Democratic outlets. That doesn't really discredit this, but it shows that the author wants with all his heart Kerry to win.

That was the only link I was able to find concerning this, I'm not offering it as evidence that this rumour is true, also I'm wondering what's going on with Wisefawn and why his thread is locked, and who has been spreading this rumour. Friends who worked on the Kerry campaign as paid staff in MO before being moved to Iowa weeks before the election have been chattering since this morning about something going on in Ohio and I can't even get an email or phone call back after initially talking with one of them.
on Nov 08, 2004

also I'm wondering what's going on with Wisefawn and why his thread is locked

Wisefawn is a chick, and her threads have been locked for a while.  I don't know why.....

Dude, I searched and searched and couldn't find anything remotely concrete regarding this.  Nothing.  A bunch of rumors, and few wishful thoughts and some speculation...but nothing with any hard evidence.

When I see it on the major news channels, then I'll give it come credit.  Until then.....

on Nov 09, 2004

And people think using FOX News as a reference is biased?

on Nov 09, 2004
im not positive but i think it has something to do with ballots scanned by optical readers.  then again...
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