One camera at a time
Published on December 29, 2005 By Deference In Politics
Sen. Jason Crowell (R) of Cape Girardeau (jer-ar-do) is aiming at passing a bill that will bring down cameras mounted at intersections monitoring motorists.

Sen. Crowell's bill will deny local governments the authority to install cameras as well as ban the installation of new ones.

Crowell lists a variety of reasons as to why the bill is important:

1.) Overt government intrusion

2.) A funding arrangement that allows the companies servicing the cameras a share of the fines

3.) The fact that owners of the license plates caught on camera are fined for wrong-doing when it is often passengers or other drivers caught on film committing infractions

Crowell has also voiced concern that cities across Missouri have given camera servicing companies control of enforcement at monitored intersections. Companies have been found guilty, as of late, of shortening the yellow light cycles - meaning more tickets and more revenue for these service vendors, Crowell has said.

Crowell has gone on to say that the service companies do not keep records of information that allow persons to mitigate the violation, so once a ticket is given, it becomes the individual's word versus that of the company.

Police Lt. John Davis of Cape Girardeau believes the automatic eyes make motorists safer. He says there is no difference between using the cameras and having a live policemen on the spot. Davis also noted that the 'benefits outweigh the drawbacks'.

Let us hope Sen. Crowell has enough backing from level headed legislators (and constituents!) in Missouri to put this corrupt system to rest.

Let us also remember the beginning of fascism comes from a melding of the private corporate sector with the state.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 30, 2005
Companies have been found guilty, as of late, of shortening the yellow light cycles - meaning more tickets and more revenue for these service vendors, Crowell has said.

believe it or don't it took los angeles THREE years to select a new camera enforcement vendor. the top contenders have all been reported to have spread a lotta money around.

wanna know why?

check this out:

scroll down the page til you get to table 1 and check out how much vendors were receiving in 2001 in a number of cities with traffic enforcement cams.

the senators statement shows he does "not" know what he's talking about.

actually i think it shows he knows exactly what he's talkin about. smith & wesson don't collect a fee everytime a cop shoots his gun.
on Dec 30, 2005
What city in CA do you live in, drmiler?

Table 1 (follow the link provided in post #16 by KingBee)
shows a breakdown for some major cities of the ticket cost and how it is split between the vendor and the city / county / state.

If you happen to live in San Francisco, for example, a $271.00 ticket is split by giving $123 to the state, $148 to the city and / or county, $48.50 to the vendor and $99.50 for further the program as well as pay for 'further progm, educational campaign, and equipment vendor'.

Taking a further look at table 1, it smacks the viewer in the face that Lockheed Martin, the defense contractor, is the most prominent vendor.

What was that Eisonhower said about being aware of the 'military industrial complex'?

With figures like $270.00 traffic tickets going to further yet more cameras, it is only a matter of time before they blanket the U.S. . A defense contractor with a network of hundreds of thousands of cameras...hmmm.

Potential for abuse? I think so. Enact legislation against this in your community NOW.

Many thanks to the information provided by Kingbee.
on Dec 30, 2005
What city in CA do you live in, drmiler?

Thankfully I no longer live in that liberal infested state. At the time though I lived in San Diego, CA.
on Dec 30, 2005
the senators statement shows he does "not" know what he's talking about.

actually i think it shows he knows exactly what he's talkin about. smith & wesson don't collect a fee everytime a cop shoots his gun.

"If" you had been paying attention (which obviously you were not) Deference and I were specically talking about his #3 statement which reads:

3.) The fact that owners of the license plates caught on camera are fined for wrong-doing when it is often passengers or other drivers caught on film committing infractions

And in that one alone the senator does NOT know what the hell he's talking about! Please try to pay attention to the conversation if you're going to join in.
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