...what do like and what do you dislike about America?
Published on August 30, 2006 By Deference In Politics
I've decided that JU's extremely opinionated denizens might like to voice their opinions on what they like and dislike about America. That means any aspect of America.

This can be it's present form, the tax burden we share, the culture in which we live, the political parties that supposedly represent our interests, the weather in parts of the country, or even the music we have to suffer on the top forty charts today. Any aspect of American life, ideology, or it's components are open to you, feel free to express your opinion.

I'm going to do so via list form.

These are my lists.

What I like about America

The Freedoms we Used To Have (credit to George Carlin for that one)

The best economy in the world

Our State and National Parks

The liberal culture of America

The stable and fruitful government

The majority of it's people

The majority of the race and religion of the people (I apologize to those who may find that offensive, I simply feel most comfortable with other W.A.S.P's though I appreciate some time with more diverse groups)

What I don't like about America

The majority of it's 'leaders'

The majority of our policies

The path of our economy (deficet spending and largest debtor nation)

The overly liberal culture of America

The pollution of our lands (ever gone floating or backpacking and seen waaay too many beer cans and used condoms amidst otherwise gorgeous scenery?)

The apathetic and lackadaisacal attitude of some of the 'citizens' in this country

Enjoy, JU!

Who will be the first?

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Sep 03, 2006
What I don't like is people bashing our nation, yet choosing to live in it. - Xythe

There's a difference between needless all-out bashing and healthy criticism, Xythe, you agree, right?
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